Assessment. That’s tests and exams, right? Oh, and maybe the occasional
Uhmm, until about two weeks ago, that was pretty much the sum
total of what I knew about assessment practices. Consider my mind blown.
When you really think about it, there are SO MANY different forms of
assessment – prac write-ups, oral presentations, projects, posters, tuts, the
list goes on. Upon this variety we then layer the nature of the assessment – is
it continuous or discrete? Most of us are familiar with continuous assessment,
as it seems to be the standard practice in most educational institutions –
every mark you get for every test and assignment you do is accumulated towards
some final mark for your course. Brilliant, yes?
The weakness with continuous assessment is that it is summative, and as
such the focus of this type of assessment is on the build-up towards some form
of certification. The problem with this approach is that it leaves little, or
no, room for assessment for the purposes of learning (formative assessment). Formative
assessment is really important because it allows students, and lecturers, the opportunity
to assess their learning and understanding, without the pressure, stress and
fear of failing. Pressure, stress and fear undermine learning, they do not
support it. Ask any lecturer on campus and they will tell you that what they
taught in first year has to be covered again in second year and again in third
year – why is this so? Because students are simply cramming for exams, they are
not internalising, they are not REALLY learning. And this brings us to the
matter of authenticity.
How authentic are our assessment practices really? If I as a teacher
want to produce a competent graduate, is it really enough to simply have them
write an exam on the course content? For example, is a theory exam an authentic
way to assess a student’s ability to actually play the piano? No. While the
theory is important, the theory alone is not enough. Yes, the example of
playing the piano is obvious, but what is often forgotten at universities, is
that ALL careers are practical – they ALL have a doing component. When we, as
lecturers, rely almost exclusively on exam-style assessments, then if we are truly
honest with ourselves we will see that these do not provide an authentic assessment
of the actual skills that competent graduate need to have.
Our lecturer shared a fantastic graphic from Miller’s 1990 review
article, Assessment of Clinical Skills/Competence/Performance, which makes it
really clear that the type of assessments most common in universities are
simply assessments of cognition – seldom are our assessments a truly authentic reflection
of what our students are actually capable of doing.
I’m sure that many would argue that I am woefully naive about the
practicalities of running a university and that authentic assessment of
thousands of students annually is simply not feasible. Perhaps this is so, but
does that justify the continuation of sub-par assessment practices? I would say
not. Do I have the answers? No, I don’t. But I do have both eyes wide open now,
and from now on I will be doing my best to provide authentic assessment that
actually supports real learning with my small piece of the pie!
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